Family owned and operated!

Bringing Sun Power to Your Southern California Home

If you are thinking about solar energy as a way to go green and save money, look no further than California Premier Energy. Our experienced San Diego solar installers will help you decide which system is the best fit for your energy needs by visiting your property to provide an accurate proposal. 

“Our electric bill reduction is even greater than we expected.”

Take Control of Your Energy Usage

Did you know that you can maximize your solar savings even further by incorporating energy storage solutions into your solar system? Energy storage allows you to store excess energy generated by your solar panels during the day and use it when the sun is not shining, such as during the evening or on cloudy days. This means you can reduce your reliance on the grid and avoid paying high electricity rates during peak hours.


Increased energy independence

Protection against power outages

Greater control over your energy usage

Ability to shift your energy consumption to off-peak hours

Potential savings on your electricity bills

Break Free from
Utility Dependence

With solar panels installed, you no longer have to rely solely on traditional utility companies for your electricity needs. Instead, you can generate your own clean and renewable energy, giving you greater control over your power supply and shielding you from the impact of fluctuating utility rates. Experience the freedom and empowerment that comes with energy independence, knowing that you have a reliable and sustainable source of energy right at your fingertips.


Produce your own electricity, reducing reliance on utility companies

Less affected by fluctuating utility rates, ensuring long-term stability and savings

Control over your power supply, providing peace of mind during outages or emergencies

An investment in energy independence, ensuring a reliable power source for years to come

Reviews of happy homeowners

“We could not be happier with the product or the experience of working with them.”


Michael W.

San Diego, CA

“From the initial meeting to the final walk through, the customer service with California Premier Energy has been tremendous.”


Andrew D.

Temecula, CA

“Our installation came in on budget with a superior system and exceptional service that offsets all our electrical needs for many years to come.”


John D.

Carlsbad, CA


Frequently Asked Questions

Solar panel installation can take as little as one day to up to a week with a professional solar panel team. The length of time will depend on the complexity and any additional work that may be required. At times, trenching land may be needed to better position the wiring that connects the solar panels and building.

Once thought to be the energy solution of the future, advancements in technology have made solar systems more efficient, durable, and affordable than ever before in San Diego. A properly designed and installed solar system can not only lower your energy bills and virtually eliminate your reliance on local utility companies, but it can also increase the value of your home.

Regardless of whether you choose to purchase or lease a residential solar system, making the switch to clean, renewable solar energy is an easy and smart investment that can save you money in the long run. 

You can enjoy a multitude of benefits by installing a solar system in San Diego, including:

  1. Reduced monthly electricity costs
  2. Various government incentives and rebates
  3. Increased home values
  4. A reduced carbon footprint
  5. Energy independence

Installing solar panels has several benefits. Financially, the most notable benefit is that it can help you save money on your energy bills in the long term. By using solar energy to power your home instead of relying solely on traditional electricity from your utility company, you'll be able to reduce or even eliminate your energy bills. 

Furthermore, the federal government offers tax incentives for those who install solar panels on their property. By taking advantage of the financial incentives available, you can make solar energy even more affordable and save even more money in the long run. Ultimately, solar panels offer a great combination of environmental responsibility and savings for those who choose to invest in them.

Solar panels typically last between 25 to 30 years, with many manufacturers offering warranties for this duration. However, the actual lifespan can vary depending on factors such as quality of materials, installation, and maintenance. 

While solar panels may continue to generate electricity beyond their warranty period, their efficiency gradually decreases over time. After 25 years, panels might still operate at around 80% of their original efficiency. 

Proper maintenance, such as cleaning and occasional inspections, can help extend their lifespan. Advances in technology continue to improve the durability and longevity of solar panels, suggesting that future generations may last even longer.

Solar Products & Services

Residential Solar

California Premier Energy provides residential solar panel installations for existing and new homes.

Solar Installation

Our team will help you decide which system is the best fit for your energy needs by visiting your property.

New Homes

Our new home services installation experts will ensure your house has the hardware needed to begin saving on energy costs.
Become energy independent today!
Become energy independent today!